Your Letters |
Insert the letters on your Scrabble Tray. |
Wordfind |
Wordfind is used to find all words
that match your query in the Wordfind box. |
Scramble |
Scramble will find all possible
Bingo combinations with all 7 characters entered. |
Both |
Both will do a Wordfind Search and
Scramble search simultaneously. |
Search Syntax |
+ Wildcard |
Search wildcard will match any
letter in that position. For Example: io+
This will find the word ion
? Character Wildcard |
The question mark wildcard is similar to the plus-sign
Wildcard except it will only find words that match the
letters that you have on your tray. For
Characters: ioghtio
Wordfind: ?op
Result: hop, top
* Character Wildcard |
The asterisk wildcard will find zero
or more words that match the letters that you have
on your tray. For Example:
Characters: ioghtio
Wordfind: *op
Result: goop, hoop, hop, op, top
User time 0.310 seconds
System time 0.040 seconds
Server Name
Perl Version 5.008008
Please Visit these Sites: The Scrabble FAQ, Mike Wolfberg's Scrabble Page, From AA to ZYZZYVAS
GITS uses the TWL98 and is programmed in perl5.
Send Comments, Suggestions to
Copyright 2000