GITS - The ultimate Scrabble Word Finder!

Your Letters
Wordfind Request
Your Letters Insert the letters on your Scrabble Tray.
Wordfind Wordfind is used to find all words that match your query in the Wordfind box.
Scramble Scramble will find all possible Bingo combinations with all 7 characters entered.
Both Both will do a Wordfind Search and Scramble search simultaneously.

Wordfind Search Syntax
+ Wildcard Search wildcard will match any letter in that position.

For Example: io+

This will find the word ion

? Character Wildcard The question mark wildcard is similar to the plus-sign Wildcard except it will only find words that match the letters that you have on your tray.

For Example:

Characters: ioghtio

Wordfind: ?op

Result: hop, top

* Character Wildcard The asterisk wildcard will find zero or more words that match the letters that you have on your tray.

For Example:

Characters: ioghtio

Wordfind: *op

Result: goop, hoop, hop, op, top

User time 0.310 seconds
System time 0.040 seconds
Server Name
Perl Version 5.008008

Please Visit these Sites: The Scrabble FAQ, Mike Wolfberg's Scrabble Page, From AA to ZYZZYVAS

GITS uses the TWL98 and is programmed in perl5.

Send Comments, Suggestions to
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